Bible School for the Nations
BSN Application Deadline
Looking to grow spiritually?
Want guidance applying biblical truth?
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BSN Students Trained Since 2019
BSN Courses Since 2019
Looking for help:
- studying the Bible with the intent of applying biblical principles to everyday life?
- understanding how sixty-six books, written by different authors during several generations, can all convey God’s salvation message?
- interpreting challenging portions of Scripture?
Learn how to study, interpret, and apply Scripture in order to know how to defend your faith from an objective biblical standpoint. Participate in our Bible School for the Nations course.
Topics covered in the course’s modules include:
hermeneutics; The History of Biblical Canon; The Authority of the Bible
Learn how to study the Bible inductively, with special focus on authors’ intended meanings and understanding how original readers would have interpreted what was written.
Old Testament Overview; Genesis; Job
Understand the content, characters, chronology, and main principles of the Old Testament; See God’s heart in Creation and His response to rebellion; Gain insight about God’s character in all that He does.
Exodus; Leviticus
Learn God’s overall intention of rescuing mankind from slavery; Discover what it means to be holy (as the Lord is holy).
 Numbers; Deuteronomy; Review
Understand how God forms, disciples, and governs nations with justice and mercy from generation to generation.
Joshua; Judges; Ruth; 1-2 Samuel; Psalms
Observe how God governs Israel and her neighbors, wanting Israel to be the standard for other nations to follow, rather than pagan nations impacting Israel.Â
1-2 Kings (parallel 1-2 Chronicles); Proverbs; Song of Songs; Minor Prophets
Witness the hand of God at work in the history of the kingdoms, despite errant choices of their kings. Gain understanding of how God works with people and with nations. See the difference between rebellion (revolution), reformation, and revival. Dial in on messianic prophecies.
Isaiah; Jeremiah; Ezekiel; Lamentations
Dive deep into Israel’s history and division to form the southern kingdom of Judah, followed by exile and deportations.
Minor Prophets; Daniel; Ezra; Nehemiah; Esther; OT Review; Intertestamental Period
See God’s faithfulness to those exiled in Babylon and witness how He restores Judah and the Israelites to their national calling. Gain understanding of the principles of spiritual warfare and the need for holiness in restoration. Learn how to study and present the historical content and message of a minor prophet.
The Gospels; Life of Jesus; Kingdom of God
See Jesus as a real person who was God incarnate and discover His purpose through His life, character, teachings, and ministry. Grasp the heart of Jesus’ messages and fully acknowledge that Jesus is God.
Death & Resurrection of Jesus; Hebrews; Atonement; Salvation
Acknowledge the broken heart of God over every committed sin, as well as His great love as He endured the cross. Understand transformation of the heart through the power of Christ’s resurrection. See how the Old Testament and New Testament are connected.
acts; Romans
Know the history of the Early church, how it spontaneously expanded and multiplied by the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn the cross-cultural challenges of converted Jews mixed with converted Gentiles.Â
Epistles; Revelation
Become skilled in the study and presentation of historical content and message of the epistles, witnessing the unity of the Gospel message throughout. Learn principles of discipleship and personal application of biblical truth. Decipher the symbolism of Revelation and pair it with historical events, understanding the historical setting of the book.
Overview of Truth
Identify global worldviews contrasted against a biblical worldview. Learn how to remove cultural and generational filters that could prejudice one’s reading and interpretation of the Bible, thereby affecting their application of it as well.
Historical Overview of Biblical Transformation in Society, Part I
Further understanding of worldviews and how they influence cultures. Research Scripture to discover and adopt a biblical worldview.
Historical Overview of Biblical Transformation in society, Part II
Review the history of the church to see God’s hand at work to multiply His kingdom. Gain insight into the Reformation Period. Identify biblical principles that establish God’s values in every sphere of society.
Reliability of Scripture & Other Biblical Topics
Further develop trust in the validity and authority of the Scriptures.Â
Bible Education & Leadership Training
Engage community audiences through teaching and training during this 8-week field application to further expand God’s kingdom throughout the nations.
Happening Now

Preparing for DTS
Since YWAM Baguio is located in the tropics, it’s important to regularly clean and polish eating utensils, dishware, and cookware. This is for the health and safety of all who visit and volunteer alongside us – no matter how long they stay.
We want to ensure everything is disinfected and ready for use prior to the start of our next Discipleship Training School. Wow! Is it July already?!?!!
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